ABENDxxxx procedure

  1. On z/OS®, if a system abend code is available, replace the xxxx of ABENDxxxx with the system abend code, prefixed by a zero. For example, if the code was a system abend 0C4, specify ABEND00C4 as your keyword. If the failure occurred with a system abend 0C1, your set of keywords, so far, consists of:
    Component Identification:     569623400
    Release Level:                R600
    Type of Failure:              ABEND00C1
  2. If you receive the following message on CMS, use OPERATION and EXCEPTION as keywords.
    DMSITP141T Operation exception occurred at 6BB40C in routine ASMAHL
    Your set of keywords then consists of:
    Component Identification:     569623400
    Release Level:                R600
    Type of Failure:              OPERATION EXCEPTION
  3. On z/VSE®, ABENDs will be accompanied by a message which describes the cause of the error. Use words from the message as keywords. For example, if you receive the following message, you could use PROTECTION and EXCEPTION as keywords.
    Your set of keywords then consists of:
    Component Identification:     569623400
    Release Level:                R600
    Type of Failure:              PROTECTION EXCEPTION
  4. On CMS or z/VSE, if using words from the message as your type-of-failure keyword does not produce a match in the software support database, use the equivalent z/OS system abend code as the type-of-failure keyword.
    The most common errors, with their z/OS system abend codes, are:
    Table 1. System Abend Codes
    Error System Abend Code
    Operation exception 0C1
    Privileged operation exception 0C2
    Execute exception 0C3
    Protection exception 0C4
    Addressing exception 0C5
    Specification exception 0C6
    Data exception 0C7
    Fixed-point overflow exception 0C8
    Fixed-point divide exception 0C9

  5. Determine with which assembler options the failure occurs. If the failure occurs only when using certain options, indicate those options in the keyword string. Select the applicable modifier keyword from the list shown in Assembler options.
  6. Continue with Step 4. System-type keyword.