Message problem procedures
The following message types are issued by High Level Assembler:
- ASMAHL command errors (CMS)
- Assembler-error diagnostic messages
- Assembly abnormal-termination messages
High Level Assembler messages are identified by the prefix ASMA.
On CMS, messages issued by the ASMAHL command have a prefix of ASMACMS.
The format of the message identifier is ASMAnnnc, where:
- is the message prefix identifying all High Level Assembler messages.
- nnn
- is the message number.
- c
- is one of the following message severity characters:
- I
- for informational messages
- N
- for notification messages
- W
- for warning messages
- E
- for normal error messages
- S
- for severe error condition messages
- C
- for critical error condition messages
- U
- for unrecoverable error condition messages
Assembler error diagnostic
messages are numbered ASMA001
to ASMA899
Assembly abnormal termination
messages are numbered ASMA900
to ASMA999
Messages with other prefixes
are issued by operating systems, subsystems, and access methods. They
should not be addressed as High Level Assembler product problems. See the messages
manuals for the relevant components.
Use the MSGxxx keyword procedure for any one of the following
- A message is issued under a set of conditions that should not have caused it to be issued.
- A message contains incorrect data or is missing data.
- A message indicates an internal assembler error (for example,
Do not use this procedure if the assembler ended with a system abend code, or a system message indicating an abnormal-termination. In these cases, use the Abnormal termination problem procedures.