Reason code

A fullword, set by the exit, to qualify the return code. Table 1 shows reason codes for each exit type, and which request they are checked after.
Table 1. User exit reason codes
Exit Request RSN=0 4 8 16
SOURCE OPEN No additional information Input source information available   REINIT call required
READ No additional information Input source information available Redrive requested 2  
LIBRARY OPEN No additional information End of member call required   REINIT call required
FIND (macro or copy member) No additional information Input source information available Redrive requested 2  
READ No additional information Input source information available Redrive requested 2  
LISTING TERM OPEN No additional information When return code is 0, reason code 4 indicates the exit has provided a line length in the buffer length field. When return code is 4, reason code 4 indicates the exit has provided the data set information.   REINIT call required
SOURCE LIBRARY LISTING PUNCH OBJECT(z/OS® and CMS) TERM ADATA PROCESS No additional information Return to exit with empty buffer Redrive requested 2  
LISTING PUNCH OBJECT(z/OS and CMS) TERM ADATA WRITE No additional information   Redrive requested 2  
PUNCH OBJECT(z/OS and CMS) OPEN No additional information Exit has provided the output data set information   REINIT call required
ADATA OPEN No additional information Exit has provided the output data set information Exit intends to discard type X'0002' and X'0090' records REINIT call required
  1. Multiple reason codes can be specified by OR-ing them together.
  2. When redrive is requested, the assembler issues any required error message and then recalls the exit with the same parameter list as before.