Statistics record—X'0090'

Field Size Description
Buffer pool allocation FL4 The number of Kilobytes (KB) of storage allocated to the buffer pool.
Required In-storage FL4 The number of Kilobytes (KB) of storage required to make the assembly an in-storage assembly.
Primary input records FL4 The number of primary input records read for the assembly row.
Library records FL4 The number of library records read for the assembly row.
Work file reads FL4 The number of work file reads for the assembly row.
Print records written FL4 The number of print records written for the assembly row.
Object records written FL4 The number of object records written for the assembly row.
Work file writes FL4 The number of work file writes for the assembly row.
ADATA file writes FL4 The number of associated data (ADATA) file writes for the assembly.
ADATA calls FL4 The number of calls to the associated data (ADATA) exit.

This field is zero if no exit is present.

ADATA added records FL4 The number of records added by the associated data (ADATA) exit.

This field is zero if no exit is present.

ADATA deleted records FL4 The number of records deleted by the associated data (ADATA) exit.

This field is zero if no exit is present.

ADATA diagnostic messages FL4 The number of diagnostic messages returned by the associated data (ADATA) exit.

This field is zero if no exit is present.

Library calls FL4 The number of calls to the LIBRARY exit

This field is zero if no exit is present.

Library added records FL4 The number of records added by the LIBRARY exit

This field is zero if no exit is present.

Library deleted records FL4 The number of records deleted by the LIBRARY exit

This field is zero if no exit is present.

Library diagnostic messages FL4 The number of diagnostic messages returned by the LIBRARY exit

This field is zero if no exit is present.

Listing calls FL4 The number of calls to the LISTING exit

This field is zero if no exit is present.

Listing added records FL4 The number of records added by the LISTING exit

This field is zero if no exit is present.

Listing deleted records FL4 The number of records deleted by the LISTING exit

This field is zero if no exit is present.

Listing diagnostic messages FL4 The number of diagnostic messages returned by the LISTING exit

This field is zero if no exit is present.

Object calls FL4 The number of calls to the OBJECT exit. (z/OS® and CMS)

This field is zero if no exit is present.

Reserved (z/VSE®)

Object added records FL4 The number of records added by the OBJECT exit. (z/OS and CMS)

This field is zero if no exit is present.

Reserved (z/VSE)

Object deleted records FL4 The number of records deleted by the OBJECT exit. (z/OS and CMS)

This field is zero if no exit is present.

Reserved (z/VSE)

Object diagnostic messages FL4 The number of diagnostic messages returned by the OBJECT exit. (z/OS and CMS)

This field is zero if no exit is present.

Reserved (z/VSE)

Source calls FL4 The number of calls to the SOURCE exit

This field is zero if no exit is present.

Source added records FL4 The number of records added by the SOURCE exit

This field is zero if no exit is present.

Source deleted records FL4 The number of records deleted by the SOURCE exit

This field is zero if no exit is present.

Source diagnostic messages FL4 The number of diagnostic messages returned by the SOURCE exit

This field is zero if no exit is present.

Punch calls FL4 The number of calls to the PUNCH exit

This field is zero if no exit is present.

Punch added records FL4 The number of records added by the PUNCH exit

This field is zero if no exit is present.

Punch deleted records FL4 The number of records deleted by the PUNCH exit

This field is zero if no exit is present.

Punch diagnostic messages FL4 The number of diagnostic messages returned by the PUNCH exit

This field is zero if no exit is present.

Term calls FL4 The number of calls to the TERM exit

This field is zero if no exit is present.

Term added records FL4 The number of records added by the TERM exit

This field is zero if no exit is present.

Term deleted records FL4 The number of records deleted by the TERM exit

This field is zero if no exit is present.

Term diagnostic messages FL4 The number of diagnostic messages returned by the TERM exit

This field is zero if no exit is present.

Assembly start time FL4 The local time when the assembly commenced. This time is recorded after data set allocation, storage allocation, invocation parameter processing, and other initialization processing.
Stored in packed format as hhmmssth:
The hour
The minute
The second
Tenths of a second
Hundredths of a second
Assembly stop time FL4 The local time when the assembly completed
Stored in packed format as hhmmssth:
The hour
The minute
The second
Tenths of a second
Hundredths of a second
Processor time FL4 The number of processor seconds used by this assembly. (z/OS and CMS)

The low-order bit represents 1 microsecond.

Reserved (z/VSE)

ASMAOPT input records FL4 The number of ASMAOPT input records read for the assembly
  XL4 Reserved
Number of functions FL4 The number of external functions in this record

The groups of eight external-function fields below occur n times depending on the value in this field.

Offset of functions FL4 The offset from the beginning of this record to the first group of external-function fields. A value of binary zeros indicates that there are no external functions.
    Start of external-function groups, one group per function. The ellipses (…) indicate the fields are grouped.
…Offset of next external function FL4 The offset from the beginning of this record to the next group of external-function fields. A value of binary zeros indicates that there are no more external functions.
XL4 Reserved
…SETAF function calls FL4 The number of times the function was called from a SETAF assembler instruction.
…SETCF function calls FL4 The number of times the function was called from a SETCF assembler instruction.
…Messages issued FL4 The number of times the function requested that a message be issued
…Messages severity HL2 The maximum severity for the messages issued by this function
…External function name offset FL4 The offset from the beginning of this record to the external function name
…External function name length FL4 The length of the external function name
…External function name CL(n) The external function module name
    End of external-function groups.

Where the number of functions exceeds the record size for the associated data file, the record is continued on the next record. The continuation flag is set in the common header section of the record. The current number of functions (for that record) is stored in the record and the record written to the associated data file. The next record contains the subsequent functions. The count of the number of functions is a count for the current record.

Fields that have been written are not repeated in the next record. Fixed-length fields are initialized to binary zeros or spaces, and variable-length fields have a length of binary zeros.