ESD record format
- Columns
- Contents
- 1
- X'02'
- 2–4
- 5–10
- Space
- 11–12
- Variable field count—number of bytes of information in variable field (columns 17–64)
- 13–14
- Space
- 15–16
- ESDID of first SD, XD, CM, PC, ER, or WX in variable field; blank for LD items, which have the ESDID of the preceding SD. This field is blank if all items are LD.
- 17–64
- Variable field. One-to-three 16-byte items of the following format:
- 8-byte external symbol name
- 1-byte ESD type code:
- Hex Value
- ESD Type Code
- 00
- SD
- 01
- LD
- 02
- ER
- 04
- PC
- 05
- CM
- 06
- XD(PR)
- 0A
- WX
- 0D
- Quad-aligned SD
- 0E
- Quad-aligned PC
- 0F
- Quad-aligned CM
- 3-byte address
- 1-byte flag:
- Alignment if XD
- Space if LD, ER, or WX
- AMODE/RMODE flags if SD, PC, or CM. Table 1 describes the AMODE and RMODE flag values.
Table 1. AMODE/RMODE flags Bits Value Description 2 0 Use the RMODE bit (bit 5) 1 RMODE 64 3 0 Use the AMODE bits (bits 6-7) 1 AMODE 64 4 1 RSECT 5 0 RMODE 24 1 RMODE 31, RMODE ANY 6–7 00 AMODE 24 01 AMODE 24 10 AMODE 31 11 AMODE ANY - 3-byte length, LDID, or space
- Variable field item 1
- 17–24
- External symbol name
- 25
- ESD type code
- 26–28
- Address
- 29
- Flag
- 30–32
- Length, LDID, or space
- Variable field item 2
- 33–40
- External symbol name
- 41
- ESD type code
- 42–44
- Address
- 45
- Flag
- 46–48
- Length, LDID, or space
- Variable field item 3
- 49–56
- External symbol name
- 57
- ESD type code
- 58–60
- Address
- 61
- Flag
- 62–64
- Length, LDID, or space
- 65–72
- Space
- 73–80
- Deck ID, sequence number, or both. The deck ID is the name from the first TITLE statement that has a non-spaces name field. This name can be 1–8 characters. If the name is fewer than eight characters or if there is no name, the remaining columns contain a record sequence number.