END record format
- Columns
- Contents
- 1
- X'02'
- 2–4
- 5
- Space
- 6–8
- Entry address from operand of END record in source deck (blank if no operand)
- 9–14
- Space
- 15–16
- For a Type 1 END record: ESDID of entry point
For a Type 2 END record: Blank
- 17–24
- For a Type 1 END record: Blank
For a Type 2 END record: Symbolic entry point name if specified, otherwise blank
- 25–28
- Blank
- 29–32
- Control section length for a CSECT whose length was not specified on its SD ESD item. Byte 29 is zero if this length field is present. (Blank field if not present.)
- 33
- Number of IDR items that follow (EBCDIC 1 or EBCDIC 2), or blank if none
- 34–52
- Translator identification, version, and release level (such as 0101), and date of the assembly (yyddd)
- 53–71
- When present, they are the same format as columns 34–52
- 72
- Space
- 73–80
- Deck ID, sequence number, or both. The deck ID is the name from the first TITLE statement that has a non-spaces name field. The name can be 1–8 characters. If the name is fewer than eight characters or if there is no name, the remaining columns contain a record sequence number.