Common header section

Each ADATA record contains a 12-byte common header section.

All ADATA records at the same architecture level have the same header section which describes: the producing language, the record type, the record architecture level (or version), a continued-record indicator, and, starting at level 2, an edition number.

High Level Assembler Release 5 produces architecture level 3 header records. This level is described in the following sections.

Table 1. ADATA record—common header section
Field Size Description
Language code FL1 16 Assembler
Record type XL2 The record type, which can be one of the following:
X'0000'    Job Identification record
X'0001'    ADATA Identification record
X'0002'    Compilation Unit Start/End record
X'000A'    Output File Information record
X'000B'    Options File Information record
X'0010'    Options record
X'0020'    External Symbol Dictionary record
X'0030'    Source Analysis record
X'0032'    Source Error record
X'0034'    DC/DS record
X'0035'    DC Extension record
X'0036'    Machine Instruction record
X'0040'    Relocation Dictionary record
X'0042'    Symbol record
X'0044'    Symbol and Literal Cross Reference record
X'0045'    Register Cross Reference record
X'0060'    Macro and Copy Code Source Summary record
X'0062'    Macro and Copy Code Cross Reference record
X'0070'    User Data record
X'0080'    USING Map record
X'0090'    Assembly Statistics record
Associated Data Architecture level FL1 3
Flag XL1
.... ...0    Record is not continued
.... ...1    Record is continued on the next record
.... ..0.    Length fields are big-endian (S/390®, RS/6000)
.... ..1.    Length fields are little-endian (Intel)

All other values are reserved.

Edition Number FL1 The edition number of this record type.

The following list of edition number values can be used to determine the format of each ADATA record. The listed edition number value (or higher) indicates that the record is in the new restructured High Level Assembler Release 5 format.

1        Job Identification record
0        ADATA Identification record
0        Compilation Unit Start/End record
1        Output File Information record
1        Options File Information record
3        Options record
1        External Symbol Dictionary record
1        Source Analysis record
1        DC/DS record
1        DC Extension record
1        Machine Instruction record
1        Relocation Dictionary record
1        Symbol record
1        Symbol and Literal Cross Reference record
1        Register Cross Reference record
1        Macro and Copy Code Source Summary record
1        User Data record
1        USING Map record
2        Assembly Statistics record

Reserved XL4  
Associated Data Field length HL2 The length, in bytes, of the data following the header
  1. The mapping of the 12-byte header does not include the area used for the variable-length, record-descriptor word required by the access method.
  2. The BATCH option, when used with the ADATA option, produces a group of records for each assembly. Each group of records is delimited by the ADATA Compilation Start/End records.
  3. All undefined and unused values are reserved.
  4. If Flag indicates that the record is continued, the continue record follows the current record. The continue record includes the Common Header Section and has the same Record Type. If the continue record is continued then Flag is set with the continuation indicator.