For the SOURCE and LIBRARY exits
These values are provided:
- 0
- No additional information available.
- 1
- New information is available in the Exit-Specific Information
block. The assembler updates this block whenever the primary input
data set changes.
For example, the SOURCE input might be a concatenation of data sets. When the first data set is opened, and when each subsequent concatenated data set is opened, this value is set to 1 to inform the exit that a data set switch has occurred. It is also set for LIBRARY processing to inform the exit which data set in the concatenation is being used to provide the specific member.
- 2
- For the LIBRARY exit, when the request type is FIND MACRO or FIND COPY, the copy code or a macro should resume at the saved record position.
- 3
- For the LIBRARY exit, when the request type is FIND MACRO or FIND COPY, copy code or a macro definition is currently being processed. The user exit should save the position within the current member to allow it to be resumed when the new member has been processed.