Instructs the assembler to maintain uppercase alphabetic character
set compatibility with earlier assemblers. It restricts language elements
to uppercase alphabetic characters A through Z if they
were so restricted in earlier assemblers.
Instructs the assembler to allow a mixed-case alphabetic character
Instructs the assembler to return U as the type attribute
for all literals.
Instructs the assembler to provide the correct type attribute
for literals once they have been defined.
Instructs the assembler to convert lowercase alphabetic characters
(a through z) in unquoted macro operands to uppercase
alphabetic characters (A through Z).
Instructs the assembler not to convert lowercase alphabetic characters
(a through z) in unquoted macro operands.
Instructs the assembler to treat sublists in SETC symbols as compatible
with earlier assemblers. SETC symbols that are assigned parenthesized
sublists are treated as character strings, not sublists, when passed
to a macro definition in an operand of a macro instruction.
Instructs the assembler not to treat sublists in SETC symbols
as character strings, when passed to a macro definition in an operand
of a macro instruction.
Instructs the assembler to allow lowercase alphabetic characters a through z in
all language elements, to treat sublists in SETC symbols as sublists
when passed to a macro definition in the operand of a macro instruction,
and to provide the correct type attribute for literals once they have
been defined.