Figure 1 shows an example of the Source and Object
section when the same assembly is run with assembler option LIST(133), and is followed by a
description of its differences with Figure 1:
Figure 1. Source and object listing
section—133 format
SAMP01 Sample Listing Description Page 3
Active Usings: None
Loc Object Code Addr1 Addr2 Stmt Source Statement HLASM R6.02008/07/11 17.48
00000000 00000000 000000E0 2 Samp01 Csect
22 Entry1 SAMPMAC Parm1=YES 00002300
00000000 18CF 23+Entry1 LR 12,15 01-SAMPMAC
24+ ENTRY Entry1 01-SAMPMAC
R:C 00000000 25+ USING Entry1,12 Ordinary Using 01-SAMPMAC
00000002 0000 0000 00000000 26+ LA Savearea,10 01-SAMPMAC
** ASMA044E Undefined symbol - Savearea
** ASMA029E Incorrect register specification - Savearea
** ASMA435I Record 6 in SAMP01 MACLIB A1(SAMPMAC) on volume: EAR191
00000006 50D0 A004 00000004 27+ ST 13,4(,10) 01-SAMPMAC
0000000A 50A0 D008 00000008 28+ ST 10,8(,13) 01-SAMPMAC
0000000E 18DA 29+ LR 13,10 01-SAMPMAC
R:A35 00000010 30+ USING *,10,3,5 Ordinary Using,Multiple Base 01-SAMPMAC
** ASMA303W Multiple address resolutions may result from this USING and the USING on statement number 25
** ASMA435I Record 10 in SAMP01 MACLIB A1(SAMPMAC) on volume: EAR191
31+ DROP 10,3,5 Drop Multiple Registers 01-SAMPMAC
32 COPY SAMPLE 00002400
33=* Line from member SAMPLE
C 02A 00000000 0000002A 34 Using IHADCB,INDCB Establish DCB addressability 00002500
C 07A 00000000 0000007A 35 ODCB Using IHADCB,OUTDCB 00002600
36 push using 00002700
R:2 00000000 37 PlistIn Using Plist,2 Establish Plist addressability 00002800
R:3 00000000 38 PlistOut Using Plist,3 00002900
SAMP01 Sample Listing Description Page 4
Active Usings (1):Entry1,R12 IHADCB(X'FD6'),R12+X'2A' PlistIn.plist,R2 PlistOut.plist,R3
Loc Object Code Addr1 Addr2 Stmt Source Statement HLASM R6.0HLASM R6.02008/07/11 17.48
00000010 1851 40 ?Branch LR R5,R1 Save Plist pointer 00003100
** ASMA147E Symbol too long, or first character not a letter - ?Branch
** ASMA435I Record 30 in SAMP01 ASSEMBLE A1 on volume: EAR191
00000012 5820 5000 00000000 41 L R2,0(,R5) R2 = address of request list 00003200
00000016 47F0 C022 00000022 42 B Open 00003300
697 End 00055100
000000D0 00000001 698 =f'1'
000000D4 00000000 699 =V(RCNVDATE)
000000D8 00000000 700 =V(RCNVTIME)
000000DC 00000002 701 =f'2'
The assembled address of the object code occupies 6 characters.
The Addr1 and Addr2 columns show 6-character operand addresses.
The first five characters of the macro name are shown in the
identification-sequence field.