Byte-length modifier

The length modifier indicates the number of bytes of storage into which the constant is to be assembled. It is written as Ln, where n is either a decimal self-defining term or an absolute expression enclosed by parentheses. It must have a positive value.

When the length modifier is specified:
  • Its value determines the number of bytes of storage allocated to a constant. It therefore determines whether the nominal value of a constant must be padded or truncated to fit into the space allocated (see Padding and truncation of values).
  • No boundary alignment, according to constant type, is provided (see Alignment of constants).
  • Its value must not exceed the maximum length allowed for the various types of constant defined.
  • The length modifier must not truncate double-byte data in a C-type constant, except for bit-length modifiers.
  • The length modifier must be a multiple of 2 in a G-type constant or a UTF-16 CU-type constant (CU CCSID 1200 or 1202).