Scale modifier for fixed-point constants

The scale modifier for fixed-point constants specifies the power of two by which the fixed-point constant must be multiplied after its nominal value has been converted to its binary representation, but before it is assembled in its final scaled form. Scaling causes the binary point to move from its assumed fixed position at the right of the rightmost bit position. For example:

SMOD DC FS24'6' assembles to hexadecimal 06000000 which is the nominal value (6) followed by 24 zero bits which are the fractional part (following the binary point).

SMOD DC FS24'6.5' assembles to hexadecimal 06800000 where the fractional part is 0.1 binary which is equal to 0.5 decimal.

  1. When the scale modifier has a positive value, it indicates the number of binary positions occupied by the fractional portion of the binary number.
  2. When the scale modifier has a negative value, it indicates the number of binary positions deleted from the integer portion of the binary number.
  3. When low-order positions are lost because of scaling (or lack of scaling), rounding occurs in the leftmost bit of the lost portion. The rounding is reflected in the rightmost position saved.