ASMA999U Assembly terminated - SYNAD Exit taken - Permanent I/O error on xxxxxxx data set
The assembly was stopped because of a permanent I/O error on the data set indicated in the message. This is typically caused by a machine or an operating system error. The assembly can generally be rerun successfully. This message also appears on the console output device.
System action
A special abnormal termination dump (High Level Assembler interrupt and diagnostic dump) follows the message. Depending on where the error occurred, the assembly listing up to the bad statement might also be produced. The dump generally indicates which statement caused termination. It also might include contents of the assembler registers and work areas and other status information for use by IBM® or your assembler maintenance programmers in determining the cause of the termination.
Programmer response
If the I/O error is on SYSIN or SYSLIB, you might have concatenated the input or library data sets incorrectly. Make sure that all input or library data sets have the same device class (all DASD or all tape). Also check that file attributes such as DSORG, RECFM, LRECL, and BLKSIZE have been correctly specified.
If the I/O error is on SYSUT1, check that SYSUT1 is allocated to a single volume—the assembler does not support a multivolume work file.
Reassemble the program; it might assemble correctly. If it does not reassemble without error, save the abnormal termination dump, the assembly listing (if one was produced), and the input sources, and contact IBM for support. Also, if the program assembles correctly, submit a copy of the listing and input sources of the correct assembly.