ASMA062E Illegal operand format - xxxxxxxx
One of the following errors has occurred:
- ADATA—more than five operands are specified, or the value of one of the expressions specified in one of the first four operands is outside the range -231 to +231-1, or the fifth operand is not a valid character expression
- ACONTROL—one or more of the operands supplied is invalid
- AINSERT—the first operand is not a valid string, or the second operand is not BACK or FRONT
- AMODE—the operand does not specify 24, 31, or ANY
- AREAD—the operand specifies an incorrect AREAD operand.
- DROP or USING—more than 16 registers are specified in the operand field
- EXITCTL—more than five operands are specified, or the first operand is not a valid exit type, or the value of one of the expressions specified in the second and subsequent operands is outside the range -231 to +231-1
- MNOTE—the syntax of the severity code (first operand) is not correct, or the sum of the length of the operands including quotes and commas exceeds 1024 bytes
- PRINT—an operand specifies an incorrect print option
- PUSH or POP—an operand does not specify a PRINT or USING statement
- RMODE—the operand does not specify 24 or ANY
- TITLE—more than 100 bytes were specified
System action
The first 16 registers in a DROP or USING statement are processed. The operand in error and the following operands of a PUSH, POP, or PRINT statement are ignored. The AMODE or RMODE instruction is ignored, and the name field (if any) does not appear in the cross-reference listing. The first 100 bytes of the operand of the TITLE instruction are used as the title.
Programmer response
Supply a valid operand field.