ASMA060S COPY code not found - xxxxxxxx


(1) If this message is on a COPY statement and no text is printed with it, one of the following occurred:
  • The library member was not found.
  • The lookahead phase previously processed the COPY statement and did not find the library member, the copy was recursive, or the operand contains a variable symbol. Variable symbols can be used if the COPY statement is in open code.

(2) If this message is not on a COPY statement, but has a library member name printed with it, the lookahead phase of the assembler could not find the library member because the name is undefined or contains a variable symbol.

System action

The COPY statement is ignored; the library member is not copied.

Programmer response

Check that the correct macro library was assigned, or check for a possible misspelled library member name.

If COPY member is not defined in any macro library, and is not processed because of an AGO or AIF assembler instruction, add a dummy COPY member with the name to the macro library.
