ASMA057E Undefined operation code - xxxxxxxx
One of the following errors has occurred:
- The operation code of this statement is not a valid machine or assembler instruction or macro name.
- In an OPSYN statement, this operand symbol is undefined or illegal or, if no operand is present, the name field symbol is undefined.
- On z/VSE® the High Level
Assembler only reads library macros that have a member type of
, or if the // OPTION SUBLIB=DF statement is used, a member type ofD
. Edited (E-Deck) macros, that have a member type ofE
can only be read by a LIBRARY exit.
System action
The statement is ignored. OPSYN does not search the macro library for an undefined operand.
Programmer response
Correct the statement. In the case of an undefined macro instruction, the wrong data set might have been specified for the macro library. In the case of OPSYN, a previous OPSYN or macro definition might have failed to define the operation code.
If the operation code shown is a z/VSE edited macro (E-Deck), High Level Assembler can only find and read it with a LIBRARY exit. You might want to use the z/VSE supplied LIBRARY exit described in VSE/ESA Guide to System Functions.