ASMA010E Invalid use of symbol qualifier - xxxxxxxx


One of the following situations has occurred:
  • A symbol qualifier has been used to qualify a symbol in other than:
    • A machine instruction
    • The nominal value of an S-type address constant
    • The supporting address operand of a dependent USING statement
  • A symbol qualifier is used to qualify a symbol that has an absolute value where a symbol that represents a relocatable address is required
  • A symbol qualifier is used to qualify a symbol that is not within the range of the corresponding labeled USING statement
  • A symbol qualifier is used to qualify an undefined symbol
  • A symbol qualifier is used to qualify an incorrect symbol
  • A period is used as the last character of a term, but the symbol preceding the period has not been defined in the name field of a labeled USING statement

A symbol qualifier can only be used in machine instructions, the nominal value of S-type address constants, or the second operand (supporting base address) of dependent USING instructions. A symbol qualifier can only be used to qualify symbols that are within the range of the corresponding labeled USING.

System action

A machine instruction assembles as zero. An assembler instruction is ignored. If there is a further error in the statement, a message that describes the error is issued.

Programmer response

Correct the use of the symbol qualifier, or check the statement for the error indicated in the following message.
