Option summary

High Level Assembler provides a summary of the options current for the assembly, including:
  • A list of the overriding parameters specified in the external file or library member (z/VSE® only)
  • A list of the overriding parameters specified when the assembler was called
  • The options specified on *PROCESS statements
  • In-line error diagnostic messages for any overriding parameters and *PROCESS statements in error
You cannot suppress the option summary unless you suppress the entire listing, or you supply a user exit to control which lines are printed.

On z/OS® and CMS, High Level Assembler provides a sample LISTING exit that allows you to suppress the option summary or print it at the end of the listing. See the description of the sample LISTING exit.

Figure 1 shows an example of the High Level Assembler Option Summary. The example includes assembler options that have been specified in the external file or library member, the invocation parameters and in *PROCESS statements. It also shows the *PROCESS statements in the Source and Object section of the listing.
                                         High Level Assembler Option Summary                   (PTF R160   )   Page    1
                                                                                                 1          2 
                                                                                            HLASM R6.0  2015/02/20 18.42
  Overriding ASMAOPT Parameters -
    >* Input ASMAOPT Statement
  Process Statements-     OVERRIDE(ADATA,MXREF(full))

** ASMA400W Error in invocation parameter - SIZE(4MEG)
** ASMA438N Attempt to override ASMAOPT parameter.  Option NORXREF ignored.
** ASMA425N Option conflict in invocation parameters. NOADATA overrides an earlier setting.
** ASMA423N Option ADATA, in a *PROCESS OVERRIDE statement conflicts with invocation or default option. Option is not permitted in a
*PROCESS statement and has been ignored.
** ASMA422N Option LANGUAGE(ue) is not valid in a *PROCESS statement.
** ASMA437N Attempt to override invocation parameter in a *PROCESS statement. Suboption FULL of XREF option ignored.

  Options for this Assembly

3 Invocation Parms  NOADATA
5 *PROCESS            ALIGN
5 *PROCESS          NODBCS
5 *PROCESS          NOFOLD
3 Invocation Parms    GOFF(NOADATA)
3 Invocation Parms    LANGUAGE(EN)
2 ASMAOPT             LIST(MAX)
3 Invocation Parms  NOOBJECT
5 *PROCESS          NORA2
2 ASMAOPT             RXREF
Figure 1. Option summary including options specified on *PROCESS statements
                                         High Level Assembler Option Summary                   (PTF R160   )   Page    2
                                                                                            HLASM R6.0  2015/02/20 18.42
2 ASMAOPT             SYSPARM(thisisatestsysparm)
3 Invocation Parms    XREF(SHORT,UNREFS)

  No Overriding DD Names
                                              External Symbol Dictionary                                       Page    3
Symbol   Type   Id     Address  Length   Owner Id Flags Alias-of                            HLASM R6.0  2015/02/20 18.42
SAMP01    SD 00000001
B_IDRL    ED 00000002                    00000001
B_PRV     ED 00000003                    00000001
B_TEXT    ED 00000004 00000000 0000006C  00000001   00
SAMP01    LD 00000005 00000000           00000004   00
ENTRY1    LD 00000006 00000000           00000004   00
DateRcvd  ER 00000007                    00000001       RCNVDATE
RCNVTIME  ER 00000008                    00000001
                                                                                                               Page    4
  Active Usings: None
  Loc    Object Code      Addr1    Addr2    Stmt  Source Statement                          HLASM R6.0  2015/02/20 18.42
                                               1 *PROCESS OVERRIDE(ADATA,MXREF(full))
                                               2 *PROCESS ALIGN
                                               3 *PROCESS noDBCS
                                               4 *PROCESS MXREF(FULL),nolibmac
                                               5 *PROCESS FLAG(0)
                                               6 *PROCESS noFOLD,LANGUAGE(ue)
                                               7 *PROCESS NORA2
                                               8 *PROCESS NODBCS
                                               9 *PROCESS XREF(FULL)
         Sample Program - HLASM                                                                                Page    5
  Active Usings: None
  Loc    Object Code      Addr1    Addr2    Stmt  Source Statement                          HLASM R6.0  2015/02/20 18.42
                                              11 ***********************************************************************
                                              12 *                                                                     *
                                              13 *  Licensed Materials - Property of IBM                               *
                                              14 *                                                                     *
                                              15 *  5696-234                                                           *
                                              16 *                                                                     *
                                              17 *  Copyright IBM Corporation 2008, 2015 All Rights Reserved.          *
                                              18 *                                                                     *
                                              19 *  US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication           *
                                              20 *  or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract              *
                                              21 *  with IBM Corp.                                                     *
                                              22 *                                                                     *
                                              23 ***********************************************************************
00000000                00000000 0000006C     24 Samp01  Csect
                                              25         ASMDREG        include standard registers
                                              26+         PUSH  PRINT                                                    01-ASMDREG
                                             126+         POP   PRINT                                                    01-ASMDREG
                                             127 Entry1  MACSAMP Parm1=YES
00000000 18CF                                128+Entry1   LR 12,15                                                       01-MACSAMP
                                             129+         ENTRY Entry1                                                   01-MACSAMP
                    R:C 00000000             130+         USING Entry1,12         Ordinary Using                         01-MACSAMP
The highlighted numbers in the example are:
The product description. Shown on each page of the assembler listing. (You can use the TITLE instruction to generate individual headings for each page of the source and object program listing.)
The date and the time of the assembly.
Error diagnostic messages for overriding parameters and *PROCESS statements. These immediately follow the list of *PROCESS statement options. The error diagnostic messages are:
ASMA400W -
The value specified as the size option is not valid. The valid option is SIZE(4M).
ASMA438N -
The option RXREF is specified in the ASMAOPT file and the conflicting option NORXREF is specified as an invocation parameter. The ASMAOPT options have precedence over the invocation parameters and the NORXREF option is ignored.
ASMA425N -
The ADATA option specified as an invocation parameter overrides the option NOADATA which was also specified as an invocation parameter. When conflicting options are received from the same source, the last occurrence takes precedence.
ASMA423N -
The option ADATA has been specified in a *PROCESS statement with the OVERRIDE option. The option cannot be set by a *PROCESS statement, and the option conflicts with an invocation or default option. This message is printed when an option that cannot be set by a *PROCESS statement is included in a *PROCESS OVERRIDE statement and the option conflicts with an invocation or default option. If the option does not conflict with the invocation or default option no message is printed. (For more information on *PROCESS statement, refer to *PROCESS statement options in the HLASM Programmer's Guide information.)
ASMA422N -
The option LANGUAGE is not permitted in a *PROCESS statement.
ASMA437N -
The option XREF(FULL) which is specified in the last *PROCESS statement conflicts with the option NORXREF which is specified as an invocation parameter. The option XREF(FULL) is ignored.
Each option may be preceded by a flag that indicates the option’s source. If the flag is omitted, the option came from the installation defaults.
Table 1. Flags used in the option summary
Flag Meaning
1 The option came from a *PROCESS OVERRIDE statement.
2 The option came from the ASMAOPT options file (z/OS and CMS) or ASMAOPT.USEROPT library member (z/VSE ).
3 The option came from the invocation parameters.
4 The permanent job control options set by the VSE command STDOPT.
5 The option came from a *PROCESS statement.
(blank) The option came from the installation defaults.
On z/OS and CMS, if the assembler has been called by a program and any standard (default) DDnames have been overridden, both the default DDnames and the overriding DDnames are listed. Otherwise, this statement appears:
No Overriding DD
The *PROCESS statements are written as comment statements in the Source and Object section of the listing.