Macro and copy code source summary

Figure 1 shows an example of the Macro and Copy Code Source Summary section of the listing. This section shows where the assembler read each macro or copy code member from. It helps you ensure you have included the correct version of a macro or copy code member. Either the MXREF(SOURCE), or MXREF(FULL) assembler option generates this section of the listing.
Figure 1. Macro and copy code source summary
                               Macro and Copy Code Source Summary                                   Page   11
   1     2                                             3         4 
 Con Source                                        Volume    Members                   HLASM R6.0  2015/02/20 18.42
  L1 SMORSA.BOOK.SAMPLE.MACS                       37P004    MACSAMP
  L2 SMORSA.BOOK.SAMPLE.COPY                       37P002    MEMSAMP
  L3 ANTZ.HLASM.V160.SPA160.AASMMAC2               37P001    ASMDREG
  L4 SYS1.MACLIB                                   37SY03    RETURN   SYSSTATE
Shows the concatenation value representing the source of the macros and copy code members. This number is not shown if the source is PRIMARY INPUT. The number is prefixed with L which indicates Library. The concatenation value is cross referenced in the Macro and Copy Code Cross Reference section, and the Diagnostic Cross Reference and Assembler Summary section.
Shows the name of each library from which the assembler read a macro or a copy code member. The term PRIMARY INPUT is used for in-line macros.
Shows the volume serial number of the volume on which the library resides.
Shows the names of the macros or copy members.

You can suppress this section of the listing by specifying the NOMXREF assembler option, or by specifying the MXREF(XREF) assembler option.