Macro and copy code cross-reference

Figure 1 shows an example of the Macro and Copy Code Cross Reference section of the listing. This section lists the names of macros and copy code members used in the program, and the statement numbers where each was called. Either the MXREF(XREF), or MXREF(FULL) assembler option generates this section of the listing.
Figure 1. Macro and copy code cross-reference
                               Macro and Copy Code Cross Reference                               Page   12
 1         2     3                4       5 
Macro     Con  Called By        Defn  References                              HLASM R6.0  2015/02/20 18.42
ASMDREG    L3  PRIMARY INPUT       -  25
MACSAMP    L1  PRIMARY INPUT       -  127
MEMSAMP    L2  PRIMARY INPUT       -  138C   6 
RETURN     L4  PRIMARY INPUT       -  157
SYSSTATE   L4  RETURN              -  158
Shows the macro or copy code member name.
Shows the concatenation value representing the source of the macro or copy code member. This value is cross-referenced in the Macro and Copy Code Source Summary section, and under Datasets Allocated for this Assembly in the Diagnostic Cross Reference and Assembler Summary section.
Shows the name of the macro that calls this macro or copy code member, or PRIMARY INPUT, meaning that the macro or copy code member was called directly from the primary input source.
Shows one of the following:
  • The statement number for macros defined in the primary input file
  • A dash () for macros or copy code members read from a library.
Shows the statement number that contains the macro call or COPY instruction.
Shows the statement reference number with a suffix of C, which indicates that the member is specified on a COPY instruction.
Figure 2 shows an example of the Macro and Copy Code Cross Reference section when you specify the LIBMAC assembler option.
Figure 2. Macro and copy code cross reference - with LIBMAC option
                               Macro and Copy Code Cross Reference                               Page   38
Macro     Con  Called By        Defn  References                              HLASM R6.0  2015/04/14 08.16
MEMSAMP    L2  PRIMARY INPUT       -  356C
RETURN     L4  PRIMARY INPUT     376X 463
SYSSTATE   L4  RETURN            669X 1026
The X flag indicates the macro was read from a macro library and imbedded in the input source program immediately preceding the invocation of that macro. For example, in Figure 2, you can see that MACSAMP was called by the PRIMARY INPUT stream from LIBRARY L1, at statement number 345, after being embedded in the input stream at statement number 333.

You can suppress this section of the listing by specifying the NOMXREF assembler option, or the MXREF(SOURCE) assembler option.