General Purpose Register cross-reference

Figure 1 shows an example of the General Purpose Register Cross Reference section of the listing. It lists the registers, and the lines where they are referenced. This helps find all references to registers, particularly those generated by macros that do not use symbolic names, or references using symbolic names than the common R0, R1, and so on.
Figure 1. General Purpose Register cross-reference
                               General Purpose Register Cross Reference                                Page   11
 Register  References (M=modified, B=branch, U=USING, D=DROP, N=index)              HLASM R6.0  2008/07/11 17.48
    1         2 
   0(0)    (no references identified)
    1(1)      40   396M  397M  400M
    2(2)      37U   41M  399M
    3(3)      30U   31D   38U
    4(4)    (no references identified)    3 
    5(5)      30U   31D   40M   41
    6(6)    (no references identified)
    7(7)    (no references identified)
    8(8)    (no references identified)
    9(9)    (no references identified)
   10(A)      27    28    29    30U   31D
   11(B)    (no references identified)
   12(C)      23M   25U
   13(D)      27    28    29M
   14(E)    (no references identified)
   15(F)      23
Lists the sixteen general registers (0–15).
The statements within the program that reference the register. Additional indicators are suffixed to the statement numbers as follows:
Used as a branch address
Used in USING statement
Used in DROP statement
Used as an index register
The assembler indicates when it has not detected any references to a register.

You can produce this section of the listing by specifying the RXREF

Note: The implicit use of a register to resolve a symbol to a base and displacement does not create a reference in the General Purpose Register Cross Reference.