Diagnostic cross-reference and assembler summary

Figure 1 shows an example of the Diagnostic Cross Reference and Assembler Summary section of the listing. This sample listing is from a CMS assembly, and shows CMS data set information.

This section includes a summary of the statements flagged with diagnostic messages, and provides statistics about the assembly. You cannot suppress this section unless you use a LISTING exit to discard the listing lines.

See the description of the sample LISTING Exit, which lets you suppress this section.
Figure 1. Diagnostic cross-reference and assembler summary
                                  Diagnostic Cross Reference and Assembler Summary                             Page   16
                                                                                            HLASM R6.0  2015/02/20 18.42
Statements Flagged
          1     131(L1:MACSAMP,10), 135(L1:MACSAMP,14), 148(P1,31), 175(P1,56)
    2   4 Statements Flagged in this Assembly        8 was Highest Severity Code
HIGH LEVEL ASSEMBLER, 5696-234, RELEASE 6.0, PTF R160    3 
SYSTEM: z/OS 02.01.00              JOBNAME: SAMP01      STEPNAME: C          PROCSTEP: (NOPROC)   4 
Data Sets Allocated for this Assembly   5 
 Con DDname   Data Set Name                                Volume  Member
  A1 ASMAOPT  SMORSA.SAMP01.JOB47707.D0000101.?
  P1 SYSIN    SMORSA.BOOK.SAMPLE.ASM                       37P003  SAMP01
  L1 SYSLIB   SMORSA.BOOK.SAMPLE.MACS                      37P004
  L2          SMORSA.BOOK.SAMPLE.COPY                      37P002
  L3          ANTZ.HLASM.V160.SPA160.AASMMAC2              37P001
  L4          SYS1.MACLIB                                  37SY03
 6    SYSPRINT SMORSA.SAMP01.JOB47707.D0000102.?

 10   64708K allocated to Buffer Pool            Storage required     248K
 11      56 Primary Input Records Read           13  925 Library Records Read                  0 Work File Reads
 12       3 ASMAOPT Records Read                 14  386 Primary Print Records Written         0 Work File Writes
 15       1 Object Records Written               16    0 ADATA Records Written
Assembly Start Time: 18.42.10 Stop Time: 18.42.11 Processor Time:   16 
Return Code 008
The statement number of a statement that causes an error message, or contains an MNOTE instruction, appears in this list. Flagged statements are shown in either of two formats. When assembler option FLAG(NORECORD) is specified, only the statement number is shown. When assembler option FLAG(RECORD) is specified, the format is: statement(dsnum:member,record), where:
is the sequential, absolute statement number as shown in the source and object section of the listing.
is the value applied to the source or library dataset, showing the type of input file and the concatenation number. P indicates the statement was read from the primary input source, and L indicates the statement was read from a library. This value is cross-referenced to the input datasets listed under the sub-heading Datasets Allocated for this Assembly  4 .
is the name of the macro from which the statement was read. On z/OS®, this may also be the name of a partitioned data set member that is included in the primary input (SYSIN) concatenation.
is the relative record number from the start of the dataset or member which contains the flagged statement.
The number of statements flagged, and the highest non-zero severity code of all messages issued.
Provides information about the system on which the assembly was run.
On z/OS and CMS, all data sets used in the assembly are listed by their standard DDname. The data set information includes the data set name, and the serial number of the volume containing the data set. On z/OS, the data set information may also include the name of a member of a partitioned data set (PDS).

If a user exit provides the data set information, then the data set name is the value extracted from the Exit-Specific Information Block described in Exit-Specific Information block.

The Con column shows the concatenation value assigned for each input data set. You use this value to cross-reference flagged statements, and macros and copy code members listed in the Macro and Copy Code Cross Reference section.

Output data sets do not have a concatenation value.
The usage statistics of external functions for the assembly. The following statistics are reported:
SETAF function calls
The number of times the function was called from a SETAF assembler instruction.
SETCF function calls
The number of times the function was called from a SETCF assembler instruction.
Messages issued
The number of times the function requested that a message be issued.
Messages severity
The maximum severity for the messages issued by this function.
Function name
The name of the external function module.
On z/VSE®, the assembly start and stop times in hours, minutes and seconds.

On z/OS and CMS, the assembly start and stop times in hours, minutes and seconds and the approximate amount of processor time used for the assembly, in hours, minutes, and seconds to four decimal places.