Continuation of double-byte data
No special considerations apply to continuation:
- Where double-byte data is created by a code-generation program, and
- There is no requirement for double-byte data to be readable on a device capable of presenting DBCS characters
A double-byte character string can be continued at any point, and SO and SI must be balanced within a field, but not within a statement line.
Where double-byte data is created by a workstation that has the
capability of presenting DBCS characters, such as the IBM® 5550 multistation, or where readability of
double-byte data in High Level Assembler source input or listings
is required, special features of the High Level Assembler language
might be used. When the DBCS assembler option is specified, High
Level Assembler provides the flexibility to cater for any combination
of double-byte data and single-byte data. The special features provided
- Removal of redundant SI/SO at continuation points. When an SI is placed in the end column of a continued line, and an SO is placed in the continue column of the next line, the SI and SO are considered redundant and are removed from the statement before statement analysis.
- An extended continuation-indicator provides a flexible end column on a line-by-line basis to support any alignment of double-byte data in a source statement. The end column of continued lines can be shifted to the left by extending the continuation-indicator.
- To guard against accidental continuation caused by double-byte
data ending in the continuation-indicator column, SO and SI are not
continuation indicators. If either falls in the continuation-indicator
column, this warning message is issued:
ASMA201W SO or SI in continuation column - no continuation assumed