Specifying macro and copy code libraries: LIBDEF job control statement

Include the LIBDEF job control statement if your program contains any macro calls to library macros, or any COPY instructions. LIBDEF statements define the sublibraries that contain macro definition and COPY members.
// LIBDEF SOURCE,SEARCH=(lib.sublib)

The member name in the sublibrary must match the name you specify in the macro call or COPY instruction. The member type must be A, unless the SUBLIB job control option has changed it to D. See OPTION statement description in z/VSE: System Control Statements for further details.

High Level Assembler does not read edited macros (E-books). To read edited macros from the library, provide a LIBRARY user exit using the EXIT option. See Processing E-decks.

You do not need the LIBDEF SOURCE statement if your assembler source code does not contain any library macro calls or COPY instructions. You also do not need the LIBDEF SOURCE statement if the library members are in a sub-library in the permanent LIBDEF search chain.

Concatenate multiple sublibraries in the search chain if you have multiple macro or copy sublibraries.