Step 3: Install High Level Assembler

  1. Log on to the installation user ID, P696234J.
  2. Format the minidisks
    If you are installing to minidisks rather than SFS directories, then format these disks now. For a list of disk addresses, refer to Table 1.
  3. Create or modify the PROFILE EXEC with access commands for MAINT's 5E5 and 51D disks. To do this, insert the following statements into the PROFILE EXEC:
    Command Explanation
    'access 5e5 b'
    'access 51d d'
    Statements to access the 5E5 and 51D disks.  
  4. Execute the profile to access MAINT's minidisks.
    Command Explanation
    Command to execute profile.
  5. Verify that you have write access to the software inventory disk.
    Command Explanation
    q 51d
    Command to query access status of the software inventory disk.

    If the disk is not in read write mode (R/W) then see Step 1, substep 4.

  6. Make the installation media available:

    If you have received High Level Assembler as a product tape, then attach the tape to the user ID at virtual address 181. Using virtual address 181 is required by the VMFINS EXEC.

    If you have received High Level Assembler as an Envelope file, ensure the Envelope file exists on the A-disk.

  7. Install High Level Assembler product from tape or from the Envelope file.

    You might be prompted for additional information during VMFINS INSTALL processing, depending on your installation environment. If you are unsure how to respond to a prompt, refer to the appropriate sections in z/VM: VMSES/E Introduction and Reference.

    If you are installing from tape:

    vmfins install ppf 5696234J {HLASM|HLASMSFS} (nomemo nolink

    If you are installing from an Envelope file:

    vmfins install ppf 5696234J {HLASM|HLASMSFS} (nomemo nolink env filename

    This command installs High Level Assembler.
    • Use HLASM if High Level Assembler is installed on a minidisk.
    • Use HLASMSFS if High Level Assembler is installed in SFS.
    You are prompted to create an override for High Level Assembler when this command executes. Refer to the message text for your response.
    The name of your Envelope file name, for example, 5696234J.
    Loads the memo from the tape but does not issue a prompt to send it to the system printer. Specify the memo option if you want to be prompted to print the memo.
    Indicates that VMFINS is not to link to the appropriate minidisks, only access them if they are not already accessed.
    1. You can override:
      • The name of the product parameter file
      • The default user IDs
      • Minidisk⁄directory definitions
    2. If you change the PPF name, a default user ID, or other parameters via a PPF override, you must use your changed values instead of those indicated (when appropriate), throughout the rest of the installation instructions, as well as the instructions for servicing High Level Assembler. For example, you must specify your PPF override file name instead of 5696234J for certain VMSES/E commands.
    3. If you are not familiar with creating PPF overrides using VMFINS, refer to z/VM: VMSES/E Introduction and Reference before you continue. Also see Product Parameter File (PPF) overrides.
  8. Review the install message log ($VMFINS $MSGLOG).
    Command Explanation
    vmfview install
    View the install message log.
    Correct any problems before you go on. For information about specific error messages, see z/VM: Other Components Messages and Codes.