This step can be bypassed if you plan to use the sample jobs from
the SMPTLIB: IBM®.HMQ4160.F1 after
the Receive Step.
The following sample JCL will copy the High Level Assembler jobs
from the tape. Add a job card and modify the parameters in boldface
to uppercase values to meet your site's requirements before submitting. Figure 1. Load installation
In this sample, #tape is the unit value matching the product
cartridge, #hlq.JCL is the name of the data set where the sample
jobs will reside, #dvol is the volume serial of the DASD device
where the data set will reside, and #unit is the DASD unit
type of the volume.
This sample job is also supplied as sample ASMWCOPY in SMPTLIB: IBM.HMQ4160.F1.