Macro input/output capability

The AREAD facility complements the PUNCH facility to provide macros with direct input/output (I/O) capability. The total I/O capability of macros is as follows:
Implied input:
Parameter values and global SET symbol values that are passed to the macro
Implied output:
Generated statements passed to the assembler for later processing. See also the AINSERT operation below.
Direct input:
Direct output:
MNOTE for printed messages; PUNCH for punched records
Conditional I/O:
SET symbol values provided by external functions, using the SETAF and SETCF conditional assembly instructions.
For example, you can use AREAD and PUNCH to write simple conversion programs. The following macro interchanges the left and right halves of records placed immediately after a macro instruction calling it. End-of-input is indicated with the word FINISHED in the first columns of the last record in the input to the macro.
Name     Operation      Operand

.loop    ANOP
         AIF            ('&CARD'(1,8) EQ 'FINISHED').MEND
&CARD    SETC           '&CARD'(41,40).'&CARD'(1,40)
         PUNCH          '&CARD'
         AGO            .LOOP