Controlling your assembly with options
High Level Assembler offers a number of optional facilities. For example, you can suppress
printing of the assembly listing or parts of the listing, and you can specify whether you want an
object module or an associated data file. There are two types of options:
- Simple pairs of keywords: A positive form (such as OBJECT) requests a facility, and an alternate negative form (such as NOOBJECT) excludes the facility.
- Keywords, such as LINECOUNT(50), that permit you to assign a value to a function.
High Level Assembler accepts
options from five different sources:
- External file (z/OS® and CMS)
- Library member (z/VSE®)
- Invocation parameter
- JCL Option (z/VSE)
- *PROCESS statement
This chapter describes the different sources for assembler options, each assembler option, and when you can use the options. Each option has a default value that the assembler uses if you do not specify an alternative value. The way in which the default values are arrived at is explained under Default options.