Abstract for Toolkit Feature Installation and Customization Guide

This information applies to IBM High Level Assembler for z/OS & z/VM & z/VSE, Release 6, Program Number 5696-234 and to any subsequent releases until otherwise indicated in new information. Make sure that you are using the correct information for the level of the product.

Purpose of this information

This document provides information needed to plan for, install, customize and maintain HLASM Toolkit Feature on z/OS® and z/VM® and z/VSE®.

CMS is used in this manual to refer to Conversational Monitor System on z/VM.

Who should read this information

This book is for system programmers and system administrators who plan for, install, customize, and maintain the HLASM Toolkit Feature on z/OS or z/VM or z/VSE.

To use this book, you need to be familiar with the z/OS or z/VM or z/VSE operating system, the publications that describe your system, and job control language (JCL) or EXEC processing.

List of APARs and PTFs in this information

This book includes the numbers for APARs and PTFs that are included in this product (see HLASM Toolkit Feature Service). You might want to use this list, for example, to determine whether a fix that you have applied to the previous release is in this release that is to be installed.

To obtain current service recommendations and to identify current product service requirements, get the Preventive Service Planning (PSP) information or check with the IBM® Support Center.

Other information you might need

Links to information for related IBM products are in the Bibliography.

The High Level Assembler website, is at https://www.ibm.com/products/high-level-assembler-and-toolkit-feature.