Abstract for Programmer's Guide

HLASM Programmer's GuideThis information applies to IBM High Level Assembler for z/OS & z/VM & z/VSE, Release 6, Program Number 5696-234 and to any subsequent releases until otherwise indicated in new information. Make sure that you are using the correct information for the level of the product.

Purpose of this information

This document describes how to use the IBM® High Level Assembler for z/OS® & z/VM® & z/VSE® licensed program, from here on referred to as High Level Assembler, or the assembler. It is intended to help you assemble, link, and run your High Level Assembler programs. It is meant to be used with the HLASM Language Reference.

Throughout this information, we use these indicators to identify platform-specific information:
  • Prefix the text with platform-specific text (for example, Under CMS…)
  • Add parenthetical qualifications (for example, (CMS))
  • A definition list, for example:
    Informs you of information specific to z/OS.
    Informs you of information specific to z/VM.
    Informs you of information specific to z/VSE.

CMS is used in this manual to refer to Conversational Monitor System on z/VM.

Who should read this information

The HLASM Programmer's Guide is for application programmers coding in the High Level Assembler language. To use this document, you should be familiar with the basic concepts and facilities of your operating system.

Programming interface information

This document is intended to help the customer create application programs. This document documents General-Use Programming Interface and Associated Guidance Information provided by IBM High Level Assembler for z/OS & z/VM & z/VSE.

General-use programming interfaces allow the customer to write programs that obtain the services of IBM High Level Assembler for z/OS & z/VM & z/VSE.

New features
  • High Level Assembler for Linux® on z Systems®
New options
Changed assembler instructions
  • DC/DS
    • Decimal floating-point constants
    • Unsigned binary constants
    • Tags allowing use of macros and machine or assembler instructions with identical mnemonics.
Changed assembler statements
  • Parts with text
  • OPTABLE option for ACONTROL
Services Interface
  • HLASM Services Interface for I/O exits added
  • Qualifiers identified in symbol cross-reference.

Other information you might need

Links to information for related IBM products are in the Bibliography.

The High Level Assembler website, is at https://www.ibm.com/products/high-level-assembler-and-toolkit-feature.