DBCS language support
Double-byte data is supported by the macro language with the following:
- The addition of a pure DBCS (G-type) self-defining term.
- Double-byte data is permitted in the operands of the MNOTE, PUNCH and TITLE statements.
- The REPRO statement exactly reproduces the record that follows it, whether it contains double-byte data or not.
- Double-byte data can be used in the macro language, wherever quoted EBCDIC character strings can be used.
- When a shift-in (SI) code is placed in the end column of a continued line, and a shift-out (SO) code is placed in the continue column of the next line, the SI and SO are considered redundant and are removed from the statement before it is analyzed.
- Redundant SI/SO pairs are removed when double-byte data is concatenated with double-byte data.
- An extended continuation indicator provides the ability to:
- Extend the end column to the left on a line-by-line basis, so that any alignment of double-byte data in a source statement can be supported.
- Preserve the readability of a macro-generated statement on a DBCS device by splitting double-byte data across listing lines with correct SO/SI bracketing.