SETC variables in arithmetic expressions
The assembler permits a SETC variable to be used as a term in an arithmetic expression if the character string value of the variable is a self-defining term or a predefined absolute symbol. The value represented by the string is assigned to the arithmetic term. A null string is treated as zero.
LCLC &C(5)
&C(1) SETC 'B''101'''
&C(2) SETC 'C''A'''
&C(3) SETC '23'
&A SETA &C(1)+&C(2)-&C(3)
In evaluating the arithmetic expression in the fifth statement,
the first term, &C(1)
, is assigned the binary value 101
(decimal 5
). To that is added the value represented
by the EBCDIC character A
(hexadecimal C1
, which
corresponds to decimal 193
). Then the value represented
by the third term &C(3)
is subtracted, and the value
of &A
becomes 5+193-23=175
This feature lets you associate numeric values with EBCDIC or hexadecimal characters to be used in such applications as indexing, code conversion, translation, and sorting.
is a character string with the value ABC
&I SETC 'C'''.'&X'(1,1).''''
The first statement sets &I
to C'A'
The second statement extracts the 193rd element of &TRANS
(C'A' = X'C1' = 193)
a decimal value in &VAL:
&X SETC 'X''&H'''
a decimal value in &VAL
. &VAL
can then
be used to find an alternative code in a subscripted SETC variable:
&DA SETC 'G''<Da>'''
&ABS SETA ABS &ABS has value 5
&CABS SETC 'ABS' &CABS has value 'ABS'
&ABS SETA &CABS &ABS has value 5