Specifying user exits
You use the EXIT option to specify the name of one or more user exits to load, and optionally pass to the exit a character string up to 64 characters long that is processed during assembly initialization. You can use the EXITCTL assembler instruction to pass data from the assembler source program to the user exit during the assembly. See EXITCTLn.
The Diagnostic Cross Reference and Assembler Summary section of the assembler listing shows the statistics for records processed by the user exits during the assembly. See EXIT for the syntax of the EXIT assembler option.
These tables lists the exit type, the EXIT suboption, the default data set ddname (z/OS® and CMS), or filename (z/VSE®), that the exit corresponds to, and a Page number reference to the section that describes how the assembler processes the exit:
Exit Type | Exit Suboption | ddname | Topic Number |
SOURCE | INEXIT | SYSIN | SOURCE exit processing |
LIBRARY | LIBEXIT | SYSLIB | LIBRARY exit processing |
PUNCH | OBJEXIT | SYSPUNCH | OBJECT (z/OS and CMS) and PUNCH exit processing |
OBJECT | OBJEXIT | SYSLIN | OBJECT (z/OS and CMS) and PUNCH exit processing |
ADATA | ADEXIT | SYSADATA | ADATA exit processing |
TERM | TRMEXIT | SYSTERM | TERM exit processing |
Exit Type | Exit Suboption | filename | Topic Number |
SOURCE | INEXIT | IJSYSIN | SOURCE exit processing |
LIBRARY | LIBEXIT | Library sublibraries | LIBRARY exit processing |
PUNCH | OBJEXIT | IJSYSPH | OBJECT (z/OS and CMS) and PUNCH exit processing |
ADATA | ADEXIT | SYSADAT | ADATA exit processing |
TERM | TRMEXIT | SYSLOG | TERM exit processing |