ADATA exit processing

When you specify the ADEXIT suboption of the EXIT assembler option, the assembler calls the ADATA user exit if you also specify the ADATA assembler option.

The ADATA exit is not called if you specify the NOADATA assembler option. If you want to process the associated data records in the exit, but you do not want the assembler to write the records to the normal output data set, you can do one of these actions:
  • Instruct the assembler to discard the associated data records by setting the exit return code.
  • Suppress the associated data output by doing this action:
    Provide a //SYSADATA DD DUMMY JCL statement.
    Issue a FILEDEF SYSADATA DUMMY command.
    Assign SYSADAT to IGN.

The assembler calls the ADATA exit with the following request types: