MHELP - macro trace facility

The MHELP instruction controls a set of trace and dump facilities. You select options by specifying an absolute expression in the MHELP operand field. MHELP statements can occur anywhere in open code or in macro definitions. MHELP options remain in effect until superseded by another MHELP statement.

Format of MHELP:
Name         Operation     Operand

             MHELP         Absolute expression, (the sum of binary or decimal options)
The options are:
B'1' or 1
Macro Call Trace
B'10' or 2
Macro Branch Trace
B'100' or 4
Macro AIF Dump
B'1000' or 8
Macro Exit Dump
B'10000' or 16
Macro Entry Dump
B'100000' or 32
Global Suppression
B'1000000' or 64
Macro Hex Dump
B'10000000' or 128
Other values
Control on &SYSNDX

Refer to MHELP sample macro trace and dump for complete details about this facility.