Abnormal assembly termination

Whenever the assembly cannot complete, High Level Assembler provides a message and, in some cases, a specially formatted dump for diagnostic information. This might indicate an assembler malfunction or it might indicate a programmer error. The statement causing the error is identified and, if possible, the assembly listing up to the point of the error is printed. Whenever the assembly cannot complete, High Level Assembler provides a message and, in some cases, a specially formatted dump for diagnostic information. This might indicate an assembler malfunction or it might indicate a programmer error. The statement causing the error is identified and, if possible, the assembly listing up to the point of the error is printed. If possible this dump will be followed by a Dataset Allocation report indicating the SYSIN and SYSLIB DS allocated and a Backward Macro Chain report detailing up to the last 8 macros to be processed together with the DS name and if applicable the member which contained them.

High Level Assembler messages describes the abnormal termination messages. The messages give enough information to enable you (1) to correct the error and reassemble your program, or (2) to determine that the error is an assembler malfunction.