Placing High Level Assembler into the Shared Virtual Area (SVA)

This customization must be done by a system administrator.

Table 1 gives a list of phase names, their link-edit attributes and approximate sizes. It shows which phases are eligible for sharing storage, and the approximate size of each phase.

To assist you in placing the High Level Assembler phases into the SVA, a sample member named ASMASVA2.Z is provided. This sample job includes all the High Level Assembler phases eligible for the SVA.

z/VSE: System Control Statements provides specific instructions about placing phases into the SVA.

The phases are loaded using a load list. The $SVAASMA load list is provided. This load list can also be placed in the BG startup procedure. If this is done then the library containing the High Level Assembler must be in the LIBDEF search chain within the LIBSDL procedure.
Figure 1. Sample JCL to load SVA-eligible phases using load list
*  Load SVA using a load list
// LIBDEF *,SEARCH=(lib.sublib,PRD1.BASE)

On the LIBDEF statement, change lib.sublib to your sublibrary if you have installed any phases into your own sublibrary. For example, you may have installed your own version of ASMADOPT into your own sublibrary (see Changing default options).