Customization checklist

Table 1 lists the steps and associated jobs to customize High Level Assembler. The remaining sections describe each step. You can use Table 1 as a checklist.

Table 1. Summary of steps for customizing High Level Assembler
Step Description Customizing Job Topic
__ 1 Change the SMP/E assembler utility defaults. ASMAASM Step 1: Change SMP/E to use High Level Assembler
__ 2 Customize user exits. _ Step 3: Change default options and DDNAMES
__ 3 Change default options and DDNAMES. ASMAOPTS Step 2: Customize user exits
__ 4 Customize the High Level Assembler Procedures. ASMASTD Step 4: Customize the High Level Assembler procedures
__ 5 Place High Level Assembler into link pack area. _ Step 5: Place High Level Assembler into link pack area
__ 6 Assembler H Migration (optional).

Complete this step only as an aid to migrating JCL procedures to reference ASMA90 as the assembler program name.

ASMAIEV Step 6: Assembler H migration (optional)