Length constant—J

Use this constant to reserve storage for the length of a DXD, class, or DSECT. The assembler fills the field with binary zeros, and the length is entered into this space by the linker. This constant is only available if the GOFF option is specified.

In the following example, the value at A is the length of CLASS.
A        DC              J(CLASS)

The DXD or DSECT names referenced in the J-type length constant need not be previously defined.

Table 1. J length constants
Subfield Value Example Result
1. Duplication factor Allowed    
2. Type J    
3. Type Extension D    
4. Program type Allowed    
5. Modifiers      
  Length: J-type: 2 to 4 bytes, or 8
JD-type: 2 to 4 bytes, or 8 (no bit length)
  Implicit length:
(Length modifier not present)
J-type: 4 bytes
JD-type: 8 bytes
(Length modifier not present)
J-type: Fullword
JD-type: Doubleword
  Scale: Not allowed    
  Exponent: Not allowed    
6. Nominal value
Represented by:
A single DXD, class, or DSECT name
  Enclosed by: Parentheses    
  Exponent allowed: No    
  Number of values per operand: Multiple    
  Padding: None    
  Truncation of assembled value: At left