Diagnostic messages written by CMS

If an error occurs during the running of the ASMAHL command, a message might be written at the terminal and, at completion of the command, register 15 contains a non-zero return code.

Two types of messages might be issued:

The messages issued by the ASMAHL command processor are in two parts: a message code and the message text. The message code is in the form ASMACMSnnnt, where ASMACMS indicates that the message was generated by the ASMAHL command program, nnn is the number of the message, and t is the type of message. The message text describes the error condition.

You can use the CP command SET EMSG to control what part of the diagnostic message to display. Table 1 shows the SET EMSG options you can specify, and how they affect the message display.

Table 1. CP SET EMSG command options
SET EMSG Option Part of Message Displayed
CODE Displays the message code only.
OFF Suppresses the entire message text and message code.
ON Displays the entire message text and the message code.
TEXT Displays the message text only.

Refer to the applicable CP Command Reference for General Users for details about the CP SET command.

When you specify the TERM assembler option, diagnostic messages are written to the terminal in the form ASMAnnns. Errors detected by the ASMAHL command program, which terminate the command before High Level Assembler is called, result in error messages (type E).