Step 9: Place the service into production

  1. Move service into production.
    1. Log on to MAINT if you plan to put HLASM Toolkit Feature general-use code on the 'Y' disk (MAINT's 19E disk). Alternatively log on using the user ID of the owner of the disk which contains the production level of the HLASM Toolkit Feature code.
    2. Link to HLASM Toolkit Feature code and access MAINT's Y disk.

      Choose which access is required depending on whether you have used a minidisk or SFS.

      For minidisk access:

      For SFS access:

    3. Move HLASM Toolkit Feature to the Y disk.

      All of the HLASM Toolkit Feature modules should be placed onto the Y disk using the VMFCOPY command.

      The ASMSMAC MACLIB should be copied, if you made this maclib containing structured macros available to users.

      Uses the date and time on each input file as the date and time of the last update of each corresponding output file.
      Causes the output file to replace an existing file with the same file identifier.

      If you do not want to use the Y disk for general use code, log on as the owner of the disk where you will put the production level of the HLASM Toolkit Feature code.

      The VMFCOPY command updates the VMSES PARTCAT file on the 19E disk.

      If you want to move the Enhanced SuperC (SuperC) then you should also copy the SuperC parts to the Y disk. The parts you should copy are listed in the section on Enhanced SuperC in Step 5: Put HLASM Toolkit Feature into production.

      If you want to move the cross reference facility (ASMXREF) then you should also copy the ASMXREF parts the Y disk. The parts you should copy are listed in Step 5: Put HLASM Toolkit Feature into production.

    4. Update the shared Y-stat on the saved Y disk file directory.
      1. Define named saved system

        Creates a named saved system for CMS.

      2. Resave the CMS system