Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramNOTRANSLATETRANSLATE(ASxx)
This option is not allowed on *PROCESS statements.
Specifies that characters contained in character (C-type) data constants (DCs) and literals are converted into ASCII characters using the ASCII translation table provided with High Level Assembler.
Specifies that characters contained in character (C-type) data constants (DCs) and literals are converted using a user-supplied translation table. The translation table must be named ASMALTxx.
  1. Using the TRANSLATE option when you have also specified the DBCS option can cause erroneous translation of double-byte data in C-type constants. G-type constant data is not affected.
  2. The assembler searches for the user-supplied translation table load module in the standard load module search order. See also How to generate a translation table. The assembler does not convert UNICODE character strings when the TRANSLATE option is specified (see CODEPAGE.)
  3. This translation applies only to C-type constants and, if option COMPAT(TRANSDT) is used, C-type self-defining terms. It does not apply to CE-type, CA-type and CU-type data.
  4. If the CE option is used, the translation is applied after translating the data from the local EBCDIC CCSID to the CE CCSID. This means that an existing source program can be converted and saved using a different EBCDIC CCSID then assembled with the EBCDIC option specifying the CCSID used to save the program, the CE option specifying the original EBCDIC CCSID and the TRANSLATE option specifying the original translate table.