- ccsid
- Specifies the local EBCDIC CCSID (equivalent to code page) assumed to be used for source files
and the assembler listing whenever any code page conversion is required.
This information is used when converting character constants and self-defining terms to specified EBCDIC, ASCII or Unicode code pages (except that for Unicode conversion, any specified CODEPAGE table overrides the EBCDIC option). If no conversion is required, this option has no effect.
It is also used on Linux when converting input files from ASCII to EBCDIC and when converting LIST(ASCII) listing output and terminal output from EBCDIC to ASCII.
The CCSID should be specified as a number of up to five digits, which may include leading zeros.
The following CCSIDs are supported (leading zeros are ignored):- Open Systems Latin-1 EBCDIC: 1047
- CECP: 37, 273, 277, 278, 280, 284, 285, 297, 500, 871
- ECECP (Euro): 1140 to 1149
- Latin-9 EBCDIC: 924
The standard default is 37 (US EBCDIC CECP).