- ccsid
- Specifies the CCSID to be used for EBCDIC constants and EBCDIC self-defining terms (data types C
and CE).
If this value differs from the local EBCDIC option, EBCDIC character strings and self-defining terms are translated from the EBCDIC CCSID to the CE CCSID. If the specified CCSID is LOCAL or equal to the EBCDIC option, EBCDIC text is stored using the local EBCDIC CCSID, without translation.
The CCSID should be specified as a number of up to five digits, which may include leading zeros.
The following CCSIDs are supported (leading zeros are ignored):- Open Systems Latin-1 EBCDIC: 1047
- CECP: 37, 273, 277, 278, 280, 284, 285, 297, 500, 871
- ECECP (Euro): 1140 to 1149
- Latin-9 EBCDIC: 924
For conversion between CECP (Latin-1) and ECECP (Euro) code pages, the Euro symbol is mapped to the general currency symbol. For conversion between Latin-9 and Latin-1 code pages, the symbols which are not common to both are mapped to the symbols which have the same ASCII code points in code pages 923 and 819.
- LOCAL indicates that the current local EBCDIC CCSID should be used, as specified on the EBCDIC
The default is CE(LOCAL).