CMS interface command

The name of the CMS interface command is ASMAHL. Your installation can create a synonym for ASMAHL when High Level Assembler is installed.

You can specify assembler options as parameters when you issue the High Level Assembler command. You may delimit each parameter using either a space or comma. There must be no intervening spaces when you specify suboptions and their delimiters.

The following invocation of High Level Assembler is not correct:
The assembly continues but issues message ASMA400W ERROR IN INVOCATION PARAMETER in the High Level Assembler Options Summary section of the assembly listing.
The correct way to specify the option is as follows:

The Assembler H Version 2 CMS-specific options NUM, STMT, and TERM have been removed. SYSTERM support is provided by the standard assembler TERM option.

The new SEG and NOSEG options let you specify from where CMS should load the High Level Assembler modules. By default the assembler loads its modules from the Logical Saved Segment (LSEG), but if the LSEG is not available, it loads the modules from disk. You can specify the NOSEG option to force the assembler to load its modules from disk, or you can specify the SEG option to force the assembler to load its modules from the Logical Saved Segment (LSEG). If the assembler cannot load its modules it terminates with an error message.