Quick Field Exit

The Quick Field Exit keypress can be used with HATS Web applications to speed the entry of numeric data for 5250 screens. This keypress clears the current field from the current caret position to end of the field, and advances the cursor position to the next field. Although this keypress can be used on any field, it is especially useful where users might otherwise use a Field Exit. A true Field Exit keypress sends the screen of data to the host and causes the HATS transformation to be redrawn. Therefore, screens requiring many Field Exit aids before being submitted may cause usability issues. The Quick Field Exit keypress, combined with the Field Exit Emulation feature, increases the speed of such applications considerably.

Because rich client applications have a different architecture than Web applications, a Quick Field Exit keypress in rich client applications is not necessary. There is no round-trip delay for a true Field Exit in rich client applications.