Groups overview

Group similar data objects together and use them in creating query, policy, and classification definitions. Use one of the many predefined groups, or create your own group by using the Group Builder.

Groups are practical to use in many places. By grouping similar data objects, you can use the whole set of objects in policies, classifications, queries, and reports, rather than having to select multiple data objects individually.

If you need to change a query or policy, rather than applying those changes to each individual object, you can apply those changes to the group.

S-TAPs and GIM also use groups to make it easier to roll out updates across managed servers.

Group Builder

Use the Group Builder to create a new group or modify an existing group from the user interface.

To open the Group Builder, click Setup > Group Builder.

Use the Group Filter screen to sort through groups based on application type, group type, description, or category.

Types of groups

The field Group Type refers to the type of data that can be grouped. For example, Server IP expects data that is formatted as an IP address and Users expects to see names of users on the application.
Note: The contents of group type Managed Units are not validated as being Guardium managed units, and the group type is not used by internal Guardium applications such as enterprise load balancing.

Tuple groups

A tuple group allows multiple attributes to be combined together to form a single composite group member. Tuples can help simplify specifying conditions for reporting and policy rules. Three of an ordered set of values are called 3-tuple. An n-tuple is one with an n-set of value attributes.

Examples of tuple groups include:
  • Tuple groups - Object/Command, Object/Field, Client IP/DB User, Server IP/DB User
  • 3-tuple groups - Client IP/Source Program/DB User, DB User/Object/Privilege
  • 5-tuple group - Client IP/Source Program/DB User/Server IP/Service Instance
  • 7-tuple group - Client IP/Src App/DB User/Server IP/Svc. Name/OS User/DB Name
Use a slash (/) to separate values within a tuple. You can specify multiple tuple elements by using a wildcard (%).
Note: In a tuple query, if your data contains a backslash ( \ ), and you specify LIKE GROUP, the result might be wrong. If the data includes a backslash, use IN GROUP instead.

Predefined groups

Guardium includes a number of predefined groups. Use the Group Filter and Group Type menu to browse the list of groups and find the one that best suits your needs.

Group types DB User and DB Password are by default only available to admin users. Modify the group roles if you want to change this default setting.

Overlapping group memberships

Groups members can be in more than one group.

For example, two predefined groups, Create Commands and DDL Commands, both have members that are named CREATE TABLE. If you query for either of these groups, all of the CREATE TABLE members from the reporting period are counted in that group.

In some cases, you might want to define a set of groups so that each member belongs to only one group. For example, suppose that for reporting purposes you need to group database users into 1 of two groups: employees or consultants. You can define each of those groups with the same subgroup type (Employee-Status, for example). When subgroups are used, you cannot add a member to a subgroup if that member was already added to another group with the same subgroup type.

Wildcards in members

Group members can include wildcard (%) characters for when the group is used in a query condition or policy rule.

Table 1. Wildcards in members
Member Matches Does not match
aaa% aaa, aaazzz zzzaaa, aaz
%bbb bbb, zzbbb bb, bbbzzz
%ccc% ccc, ccczz, zzzccczzz cc, zzzcczzz

Wildcards for security assessment test exceptions

To create a wildcard search within groups for security assessment test exceptions, preface the member name with (R). You can then create a regular expression search for the group by using period (.) and asterisk (*) operators to match exactly one character (.) or zero or more characters (*).

Note: Search parameters are case-sensitive.
Table 2. Wildcards for security assessment test exceptions
Member Matches Does not match
(R)aaa aaa, zzaaa, aaazz Aaa, zzaba
(R)aaa* aaa, aaazzz zzzaaa, aaz, AAA
(R)*bbb bbb, zzbbb bb, bbbzzz, Bbb
(R)*c.c* cbc, ccc, _c3c123 cc, _CAC123

Managed Unit Groups

Managed unit groups and the groups that are created through the group builder that used for grouping elements are distinct. Groups that are created through the group builder help simplify creating and managing policies and clarifying the presentation of reports. For more information about managed unit groups, see Creating managed unit groups.