GuardAPI Datasource Functions

Use these GuardAPI commands to create, list, delete, and update Datasource Functions.


Use this command to define a new datasource.

Note: In a Central Manager environment, datasources are defined on the Central Manager. GuardAPI will allow you to create datasources on a managed unit, but those datasources cannot be seen or used.

To create Cloud datasources, refer to GuardAPI Cloud Datasource Functions.

Parameter Value type Description
application value list

Required. Identifies the application for which the datasource is being defined. It must be one of the following:


Application User translation










compatibilityMode   Compatibility Mode: Choices are Default or MSSQL 2000. The processor is told what compatibility mode to use when monitoring a table.
conProperty comma separated list of property=value Optional. Use only if additional connection properties must be included on the JDBC URL to establish a JDBC connection with this datasource.

For a Sybase database with a default character set of Roman8, enter the following property: charSet=utf8

customURL   Optional. Connection string to the datasource; otherwise connection is made using host, port, instance, properties, etc. of the previously entered fields. As an example this is useful for creating Oracle Internet Directory (OID) connections.
dbInstanceAccount string Optional. Database Account Login Name that will be used by CAS
dbInstanceDirectory string Optional. Directory where database software was installed that will be used by CAS
dbName string Optional. For a DB2® or Oracle datasource, enter the schema name. For others, enter the database name.
description string Optional. Longer description of the datasource.
host string Required. Can be the host name or the IP address.
KerberosConfigName string Optional. Name of Kerberos configuration already defined in Guardium system
name string Required. Provides a unique name for the datasource on the system.
password string Optional. Password for user.
port integer Optional. Port number.
savePassword boolean Saves and encrypts your authentication credentials on the Guardium appliance. Required if you are defining a datasource with an application that runs as a scheduled task (as opposed to on demand). When set to yes, login name and password are required.
serviceName string Required for Oracle, Informix®, DB2, and IBM® ISeries. For a DB2 datasource enter the database name, for others enter the service name.
severity   Optional. Severity Classification (or impact level) for the datasource.
shared boolean Optional. Set to true to share with other applications. To share the datasource with other users, you will have to assign roles from the GUI.
type value list

Required. Identifies the datasource type. Valid values:


DB2 for i

DB2 for z/OS


MS SQL Server

MS SQL Server (DataDirect)




Oracle (DataDirect)

Oracle (Service Name)

Oracle (SID)



Sybase IQ


The following can be used when the application is CustomDomain or Classifier:






useKerberos boolean Optional. Set to yes to use Kerberos authentication. If yes, KerberosConfigName must be supplied.
useLDAP boolean Optional. Set to yes to use LDAP


string Optional. User for the datasource. If used, password must also be used.
useSSL boolean Optional. Set to yes to use SSL authentication.


grdapi create_datasource type=DB2 name=chickenDB2  password=guardium user=db2inst1 dbName=dn0chick application=Access_policy shared=true port=50000


Use this command to add records to the Tests Exceptions. This effects the behavior for vulnerability assessments, if a test on a specific datasource fails it will check the last record of the test exceptions table for that test/datasource such that if the execution date is contained within the from and to dates of the last record the test will be set to PASS, the recommendation will be set to the explanation (from the exceptions record) and the result text will be set to:

Test passed, based on exception approved by: .... effective from date to date.
Note: The API only adds records to remove an exception a new record should be created with new dates according to the needs.
Parameter Value type Description
datasourceName string Required. Valid name of a defined datasource.
testDescription string Required. A valid test name within Security Assessments.
fromDate   Required. Beginning date for when the exception is valid.
toDate   Required. Ending date for when the exception is valid.
explanation string Required. A recommendation as to why the test will pass.


grdapi create_test_exception datasourceName=ORAPROD5 testDescription="CVE-2009-0997" fromDate="2012-07-01 08:00:00" toDate="2012-07-31 08:00:00" explanation="Currently in testing stage"  


Displays a datasource definition identified by a name.

Parameter Value type Description
name string Required. The datasource name.
api_target_host string
Optional parameter that specifies the target host(s) to execute the API. When not specified, it defaults to the unit on which command is executed. Valid values:
  • all_managed: for all managed units
  • all: all managed units and CM
  • group:<group name>: where group name is a group of managed units
  • from CM only, the host name or IP of any managed unit, for example, api_target_host=
  • from managed unit, the host name or IP of the CM

Guardium V10.1 and 10.1.2: In a central management configuration only, specifies a target host where the API will execute. On a Central Manager (CM) the value is the host name or IP of any managed units. On a managed unit it is the host name or IP of the CM.


CLI> grdapi list_datasource_by_name name=chickenDB2
Datasource DatasourceId=20000
Datasource DatasourceTypeId=2
Datasource Name=chickenDB2
Datasource Description=null
Datasource Port=50000
Datasource ServiceName=
Datasource UserName=db2inst1
Datasource Password=[B@1415de6
Datasource PasswordStored=true
Datasource DbName=dn0chick
Datasource LastConnect=null
Datasource Timestamp=2008-04-18 15:40:58.0
Datasource ApplicationId=2
Datasource Shared=true
Datasource ConProperty=null
Datasource type =DB2
Application Type = Access_policy


Displays a datasource definition identified by an ID key.

Parameter Value type Description
id integer Required. The ID number of the datasource to be listed.
api_target_host string
Optional parameter that specifies the target host(s) to execute the API. When not specified, it defaults to the unit on which command is executed. Valid values:
  • all_managed: for all managed units
  • all: all managed units and CM
  • group:<group name>: where group name is a group of managed units
  • from CM only, the host name or IP of any managed unit, for example, api_target_host=
  • from managed unit, the host name or IP of the CM

Guardium V10.1 and 10.1.2: In a central management configuration only, specifies a target host where the API will execute. On a Central Manager (CM) the value is the host name or IP of any managed units. On a managed unit it is the host name or IP of the CM.


grdapi list_datasource_by_id id=2 


Deletes the specified datasource definition, unless that datasource is being used by an application. This function removes the datasource, regardless of who created it.

Parameter Value type Description
name string

Required. The datasource name.

api_target_host string
Optional parameter that specifies the target host(s) to execute the API. When not specified, it defaults to the unit on which command is executed. Valid values:
  • all_managed: for all managed units
  • all: all managed units and CM
  • group:<group name>: where group name is a group of managed units
  • from CM only, the host name or IP of any managed unit, for example, api_target_host=
  • from managed unit, the host name or IP of the CM

Guardium V10.1 and 10.1.2: In a central management configuration only, specifies a target host where the API will execute. On a Central Manager (CM) the value is the host name or IP of any managed units. On a managed unit it is the host name or IP of the CM.


grdapi delete_datasource_by_name name=swanSybase 


Deletes the specified datasource definition, unless that datasource is being used by an application. This function removes the datasource, regardless of who created it.

Parameter Value type Description
id integer Required. The ID number of the datasource to be listed.
api_target_host string
Optional parameter that specifies the target host(s) to execute the API. When not specified, it defaults to the unit on which command is executed. Valid values:
  • all_managed: for all managed units
  • all: all managed units and CM
  • group:<group name>: where group name is a group of managed units
  • from CM only, the host name or IP of any managed unit, for example, api_target_host=
  • from managed unit, the host name or IP of the CM

Guardium V10.1 and 10.1.2: In a central management configuration only, specifies a target host where the API will execute. On a Central Manager (CM) the value is the host name or IP of any managed units. On a managed unit it is the host name or IP of the CM.


grdapi delete_datasource_by_id id=2 


Updates a datasource definition.

Parameter Value type Description



Required. Identifies the datasource to be updated.



Optional. Provides a new name, which must be unique for a datasource on the system.



Optional. Longer description of the datasource.



Optional. Can be the host name or the IP address.



Optional. Port number.

savePassword boolean Saves and encrypts your authentication credentials on the Guardium appliance. Required if you are defining a datasource with an application that runs as a scheduled task (as opposed to on demand). When set to yes, login name and password are required.



Optional. For an Oracle datasource, enter the service name.



Optional. User for the datasource. If used, password must also be used.



Optional. Password for user. If used, user must also be used.



Optional. For DB2 datasources, enter the database name.


Comma separated list of: property=value

Optional. Use only if additional connection properties must be included on the JDBC URL to establish a JDBC connection with this datasource.

For a Sybase database with a default character set of Roman8, enter the following property: CHARSET=utf8



Optional. Database Account Login Name that will be used by CAS



Optional. Directory where database software was installed that will be used by CAS



Optional. Set to true to share with other applications. To share the datasource with other users, you will have to assign roles from the GUI.



Optional. Connection string to the datasource; otherwise connection is made using host, port, instance, properties, etc. of the previously entered fields. As an example this is useful for creating Oracle Internet Directory (OID) connections.



Optional. Severity Classification (or impact level) for the datasource.


Optional parameter that specifies the target host(s) to execute the API. When not specified, it defaults to the unit on which command is executed. Valid values:
  • all_managed: for all managed units
  • all: all managed units and CM
  • group:<group name>: where group name is a group of managed units
  • from CM only, the host name or IP of any managed unit, for example, api_target_host=
  • from managed unit, the host name or IP of the CM

Guardium V10.1 and 10.1.2: In a central management configuration only, specifies a target host where the API will execute. On a Central Manager (CM) the value is the host name or IP of any managed units. On a managed unit it is the host name or IP of the CM.

useKerberos boolean Optional. Set to yes to use Kerberos authentication. If yes, KerberosConfigName must be supplied.
useLDAP boolean Optional). Set to yes to use LDAP
useSSL boolean Optional. Set to yes to use SSL authentication.


grdapi update_datasource_by_name name=chickenDB2  newName="chicken DB2" user=" " password=" " 


Updates a datasource definition.

Parameter Value type Description
id integer Required. Identifies the datasource.
newName string Optional. Provides a new name, which must be unique for a datasource on the system.
description string Optional. Longer description of the datasource.
host string Optional. Can be the host name or the IP address.
port integer Optional. Port number.
savePassword boolean Saves and encrypts your authentication credentials on the Guardium appliance. Required if you are defining a datasource with an application that runs as a scheduled task (as opposed to on demand). When set to yes, login name and password are required.
serviceName string Optional. For an Oracle datasource, enter the service name.
user string Optional. User for the datasource. If used, password must also be used.
password string Optional. Password for user. If used, user must also be used.
dbName string Optional. For DB2 datasources, enter the database name.
conProperty Comma separated list of property=value Optional. Use only if additional connection properties must be included on the JDBC URL to establish a JDBC connection with this datasource.

For a Sybase database with a default character set of Roman8, enter the following property: CHARSET=utf8

dbInstanceAccount string Optional. Database Account Login Name that will be used by CAS
dbInstanceDirectory string Optional. Directory where database software was installed that will be used by CAS
shared boolean Optional. Set to true to share with other applications. To share the datasource with other users, you will have to assign roles from the GUI.
customURL string Optional. Connection string to the datasource; otherwise connection is made using host, port, instance, properties, etc. of the previously entered fields. As an example this is useful for creating Oracle Internet Directory (OID) connections.
severity   Optional. Severity Classification (or impact level) for the datasource.
api_target_host string
Optional parameter that specifies the target host(s) to execute the API. When not specified, it defaults to the unit on which command is executed. Valid values:
  • all_managed: for all managed units
  • all: all managed units and CM
  • group:<group name>: where group name is a group of managed units
  • from CM only, the host name or IP of any managed unit, for example, api_target_host=
  • from managed unit, the host name or IP of the CM

Guardium V10.1 and 10.1.2: In a central management configuration only, specifies a target host where the API will execute. On a Central Manager (CM) the value is the host name or IP of any managed units. On a managed unit it is the host name or IP of the CM.

useKerberos boolean Optional. Set to yes to use Kerberos authentication. If yes, KerberosConfigName must be supplied.
useLDAP boolean Optional. Set to yes to use LDAP
useSSL boolean Optional. Set to yes to use SSL authentication.


grdapi update_datasource_by_id id=20000 user=" " password=" " newName="chickenDB2hooo" 


List only the name of database drivers Oracle (DataDirect) and MS SQL SERVER (DataDirect) are now supported as datasource types.


Lists each database driver in more details (name, class, driver class, URL, and datasource type ID)