Configuring the started task JCL

You must configure the started task JCL statements with values that provide the system with information that is specific to your environment. Follow these steps to configure the started task JCL.

About this task

The IBM Guardium S-TAP for Data Sets started task JCL is located in the AUVJSTC member of the IBM Guardium S-TAP for Data Sets sample library (SAUVSAMP).
Note: Do not start the started task until you finish configuring IBM Guardium S-TAP for Data Sets. Attempting to start the started task before completing configuration can cause the started task to fail.


  1. Copy the IBM Guardium S-TAP for Data Sets started task JCL to your system PROCLIB from sample data set member AUVJSTC.
    Tip: Name the IBM Guardium S-TAP for Data Sets started task member AUVSTAPV. This name is easily identifiable with the IBM Guardium S-TAP for Data Sets product.
  2. Verify that the statement: //AUVSTAPV PROC OPTSMBR=OPTIONS points to the default member name OPTIONS.
    The default member name OPTIONS was created during creation of the control data set.
  3. Configure the started task JCL that you copied to your system PROCLIB by replacing AUV.V10R1M3 with the high-level qualifier of the installed IBM Guardium S-TAP for Data Sets load library.
    Note: For operation of the product, policy activation, and correct processing of data, the following conditions must be met:
    • A DD statement with the DDNAME OPTIONS must be in the IBM Guardium S-TAP for Data Sets started task. This DD statement points to the subsystem OPTIONS member of the IBM Guardium S-TAP for Data Sets control data set, which contains the global settings for the product. When the started task is initiated, it references the data in the subsystem options member to establish global settings, including the subsystem identifier for this specific instance of IBM Guardium S-TAP for Data Sets.
      • By default, the OPTIONS DD statement uses the same data set as the RULEDEFS and RULEDEFB DD statements. If necessary, you can specify a different data set for the OPTIONS DD statement other than that which is used for the DD statements RULEDEFS and RULEDEFB. The OPTIONS member must be present in the data set that is specified for the OPTIONS DD statement.
    • A DD statement with a DDNAME of CONTROL must be in the IBM Guardium S-TAP for Data Sets started task. For example: //CONTROL DD DSN=AUV.V10R1M3.CONTROL,DISP=SHR. This DD statement points to the IBM Guardium S-TAP for Data Sets control data set that contains the collection policy in the RULEDEFS member.
    • The two DD statements with the DDNAMES RULEDEFS and RULEDEFB must be present and must point to the same control data set name that was specified in the CONTROL DD statement. The member names RULEDEFS and RULEDEFB must not be changed. If DDNAMES RULEDEFS and RULEDEFB are not present, are changed, or do not point to the correct data set name, then the agent does not initiate correctly and is unable to collect data.
    • The high-level qualifier you specify for the control data set JCL when allocating the control data set must match the high-level qualifier you specify in the started task JCL.
    • The started task must have the authority to read and update the control data set and load library.
  4. After you configure the started task JCL, add it to the z/OS® PROCLIB data set for started task initiation.

    IBM Guardium S-TAP for Data Sets accommodates the use of multistream and improves support for large policies by providing a default started task JCL region size of 96 megabytes. When multistream is enabled, a buffer is created for each appliance, based on the INTERNAL_BUFFER_SIZE value. (Valid values are 0 - 2047 megabytes. The default value is 8.) The default started task JCL region size of 96 megabytes can accommodate large policies by providing space for up to six connected appliances with a default INTERNAL_BUFFER_SIZE of 8 megabytes and approximately 150,000 values in a policy.

    You might need to increase the started task JCL region size if:
    • the value specified for INTERNAL_BUFFER_SIZE is greater than 8 megabytes
    • an installed policy contains more than 150,000 values