Filtering the list of reports

You can filter the list of reports to include those that provide data points that you specify.


  1. In the reports page, click Filter. This opens a panel that allows you to select one or more data points (to find a particular data point that you are interested in, enter it in the Find filters field). Brackets next to each data point indicate the number of reports that contains the data point.
  2. After you have selected the data points that you're interested in seeing in reports, click Apply filters.
  3. This causes the list of reports to narrow to only those that contain the data points that you selected in the filter. The top of the page lists the filters that have been applied.
  4. To remove individual filters after applying them, click the X in the filter at the top of the page. To remove all applied filters, click Clear filters.
  5. To edit or reorganize columns, click Customize columns. Click the overflow menu for the Date created (local time) column to select a customized time period to display report data. Group timestamps by the hour, day, week, month, year, or a specific date.